Stop all the clocks, cut off the telephone
Parad los relojes y desconectad el teléfono,
dadle un hueso jugoso al perro para que no ladre,
haced callar los pianos, tocad tambores con sordina,
sacad el ataúd y llamad a las plañideras.
Que los aviones den vueltas en señal de luto
y escriban en el cielo el mensaje “Él ha muerto”,
poned crespones en el cuello a las palomas callejeras,
y que los agentes de tráfico lleven guantes negros de
Él era mi norte y mi sur, mi este y mi oeste,
mi semana de trabajo y mi descanso dominical,
mi día y mi noche, mi charla y mi música.
Pensé que el amor era eterno; estaba equivocado.
Ya no hacen falta estrellas: quitadlas todas,
guardad la luna y desmontad el sol,
tirad el mar por el desagüe y podad los bosques,
porque ahora ya nada puede tener utilidad.
3 comentarios:
Dear Paz, dear Vicente, dear Ana
Thank you for sharing with me, with so many of us who grieve with you, this
very poignant lines.
There is so much "helplessness" for any of us to find the right words for
something that has no words - except to let you know and feel that we stand
with you in your grieve and mourning.
You are very united as a family and that must be an enormous strength!
You are able to express your pain and your grief - that is better than a
silent pain that can find neither words nor tears...
I pray, that in time you will come to believe again that, yes, Love IS
forever - it goes beyond death -
May your beloved son and brother Jaime find ways of convincing you -
With much love and with our prayers we accompany you.
Yours Gertrudis Glotzbach
Agradezco de todo corazón, tus palabras, en mi nombre y el de mi familia. Es muy importante para mi cualquier muestra de solidaridad, cualquier gesto, cualquier señal, que evoque a Jaime.
No sé si conoces este video, es del día que comiste con nosotros en la casa de campo.
Rome, October 4th 09.
Dear Paz and Vicente – and Ana,
I have felt very closed to you this past week, and more specially last Friday, the 2nd … exactly two months after your Little Prince took his flight back to the Heart of God, where he had come from… What a tragic mystery! How much I still grieve with you over his sudden departure!
I have listened a few times to this heart rending Elegy by Auden, that Piluca passed on to me … I can well understand, dear Paz, that the deep sadness that is expressed there in such powerful images still fails to convey the pain you feel at Jaime’s death …
At the same time, I regret that the ‘passage’ to the fullness of Life is absent from this poem.
Sure enough, your Little Prince is Alive, and will remain forever ‘your North, your South, your East and your West’… with infinite sweetness and gratitude, as time goes on … I cannot but see him enfolding you with his arms (as on the recent picture Piluca has shown me) and begging you not to dismantle the sun, nor the moon, and that he is busying himself lightening the stars at night! Surely, he is happy that you ‘fight to overcome’ as you wrote in your message … Yes! Jaime is alive, more than ever! One day, the mystery will be revealed to us too, as we will all be reunited with our loved ones!
Dear Vicente, thank you also for what you write in your blog about your stay in our house of Trenta Aprile, Roma. We are so grateful that the week you passed with us in Rome has been a landmark in your mourning. For sure, the process will go on and require time … but more and more, Jaime will help you to live by and to transmit to others all the happiness and the affection and the love of life he has given you during his 12 years on Planet Earth.
I really wanted to tell you this, with gratitude for Jaime whom I remember well, and for you too!
Affectionately – and with our prayer for the three of you. You are not forgotten!
Marielle Bergeron (Roma)
p.s. I count on Ana to translate that for you in Spanish … thank you Ana!
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